My Sister's Marriage


~My Sister's Marriage~


   There is a sister who is my senior fifteen years and whenever I      think about her, even when I am the thirteen big boy, I feel that my cheeks are running tears, and I try to hide feelings .

When I received a bachelor's degree on the fourth level, just see the difference between us. With this big difference between the two of us, it can be well imagined how he might have caressed me and this is the reason that I still feel for him.

My family is a very happy family with my sister, and myself and our parents. Since we were not big families, we were always a very close woven family while knitting together in a strong bond of love and affection.

My sister loved me as a son for ten years, as my son, not just her brother. I say that I was always more connected to my mother. With this background, I am sure that you can imagine the relationship between me and my sister.

When I was at the fourth level, she got married and I still remember how I felt that day. That day was a day of mixed feelings of joy and happiness, in which there was a deep sense of personal loss of some kind. When I came to know that my sister was attached to marry, I was very happy, in my childhood mind, I thought that marriage is a great fun, which is not feeling as it is going to fall behind.

His wedding day was a day when I was eagerly waiting because, as I did, a child I thought it would be a very fun day. We all will find cute food, sweets, friends and decorations and new clothes. Apart from this, I could not think so, this day was a day of complete and full bliss for me and everyone and that was everything. It all made me excited but I did not know that it brought a period of shock and loneliness for me.

After waiting for two or three months on the wedding day, and I was most happy from all around. I had no work, no responsibility, and had to eat and enjoy only the company of other children like me.

All day I have completely enjoyed, sometimes worn as a bride with my sister, sometimes eats for her, and praises the decoration for the second time. In the middle of all this happiness, I realized that after the funeral, my sister will go forever, and it will never be the same.

Even in Puja Pandal , I was sitting with him and his groom did not understand this, this is the man who will take away my sister from me. Believe me I woke up all night with my parents and friends and enjoyed every minute of it.

However, as soon as all good things come to an end, this worship also ceases and it was declared that the bride and groom were now husband and wife. Even this just made me sad, but the worst was still to come and I did not know about it.

After the rituals and worship were over, we all slept for some time and when we got up in the morning, I was surprised. I was asked to go to my mother and meet my sister, because she is going to leave this house now and is going to live in some other city to stay with her husband, although not too far . As soon as I heard this, I broke into tears and instead of going to my sister; I reached her bedroom and hid myself under my bed.

While my sister was ready to go, a victim was running for me and no one could find me, my sister said she would try that she ran into her bedroom and she found me in tears.

He knew that whenever I feel depressed, I will go under the bed and hide it, and this is the reason that he came directly to that place. He pulled me out of the bed and hugged me close to my chest and started with a stream of tears flowing through my beautiful eyes. Seeing her cry, I lost control over my emotions and started just amazing.

He tried his best to console me, but even though I was close to his heart, I could not stop Sobing. However, as I was a child, and very tired, I slept in his arms, and he lovingly put me on bed because he always used to, went away. I do not know what happened after this, I slept till noon and no one woke me up, I cried a lot. When I got up I was fresh and in any way myself was feeling that it was to happen and it is good that it happened.

I only then prayed there that God always kept my sister happy with her husband and other members of her new family in her new home. From that day I feel that I am mature because, I feel that my sister is not always to disturb me. I still love my sister, but in any way I still have a confused with my brother, her husband. That's because I think it's the one who has snatched my sister from me.

I feel that when I am older and more mature, I will realize that there is no problem in taking my sister from me, all this is with girls. I hope that the day when I love him, I start loving with my husband, so instead of my sister, I have two molesters.


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